Emilio - 10 months |
Emi, you are 10 months now! Incredible how little you have left before your first birthday!
It has been an incredible month, filled with a little bit of everything. LOTS of teething!! There is drool everywhere, and unfortunately your sleep hasn't been great at all. That, paired with a lot of sickness being brought home by your big brother, has made nights a living hell for this mama. But now you seem to have passed both the sickness and teething phase ( for now) and you are sleeping beautifully. I think in the last 2 nights you have only been up once and back to sleep.
Speaking of sleep. I think you are starting to need your own space, because when you wake up and touch me in your sleep you start complaining and kicking and pushing me... It will be interesting to see what our next sleeping arrangement will be, but I keep reminding myself I will not worry about that until you are at least a year old.
Another thing waiting until after a year is to see what will happen to breastfeeding. At the moment you are still nursing about 5 or 6 times during the day and a couple (?) of times at night. You are sooo interested in your brother's bottle, that it almost makes me want to pump just so I can give you your own. You are always distracted and if it is not quiet and still, it is really hard to nurse you. Sometimes I think you wouldn't care much if we dropped some sessions. But then sometimes you do enjoy the cuddles and I can tell sometimes you just need the comfort and security. But like I said, I will divert any related thoughts until after a year. Sofar I am just glad we have made it this far.
Other things you can do now:
- crawl SUPER fast
- say mama more consistently, and you are definitely immitating more sounds. I think you try to say Paulo and papa but you just say "ba!"
- climb the stairs UP and DOWN, the latter being new
- climb off the bed, feet first
- climb shelves :s
- drink from a sippy cup with help
- YOU CAN CLAP!! Which is super cute
- you dance to music and I think you try to sing along
- you can sit, with your feet tucked under your bum
- play alone for long periods
- " walk" while holding on to somebody's hands or furniture
- the cutest thing is when you crawl close to daddy or Paulo and throw yourself on the ground yelling "AAhhh!" because you want to "wrestle" hahaha.
Emilio, you are still the cutest baby and all smiles. We love you chiquitino!