Friday, December 28, 2012

37 weeks and counting.

Christmas came and went this week and it's hard to believe I am already at 37 weeks in this pregnancy (!!!). Right before Christmas Paulo got really sick with a nasty cold and cough. He had really high fever for a day and completely refused to play (he would cry if I tried to do anything other than lying down or watching videos), spent all his awake time watching the Winnie The Pooh movie over and over again, refused to eat or drink ANYTHING (even his milk, which he loves), and spent much of the day sleeping for hours. I was very worried about him, as I had not seen him like that except for maybe once or twice in his 2 years... I made sure he drank as much liquids as possible, even if that meant having a tiny sip of water every few hours or try as hard as I could to have him eat some apple sauce, yoghurt or even ice cream... anything that would get some liquids into him. It was really hard to watch him feel so crappy, but fortunately by the end of the day, after all that sleep, he did eventually have a big bottle of milk -- HUGE relief. The next morning he woke up feeling and looking sick, but much better. He is still a bit sick now, but fortunately he recovered quite well. His appetite is ssssloooowly coming back and he is definitely back to his playful self. The bad news is that now of course Rob and I are pretty sick ourselves with the same nasty bug. I was pretty sure I was going to get it (as always happens whenever Paulo comes down with something), so I figured I would embrace the illness and hurry up and get it over with, instead of delaying it until I have this baby. The LAST thing I need is to feel miserable with a cold in the middle of labour :S.

On the positive side, it was great to be able to stay at home for a few days and catch up on all those errands I was struggling to get done. We finally managed to settup the baby's crib in our room, settup some plastic drawers on the side to keep diapers and other supplies handy, organize the baby's clothes in the closet, pack the back up suitcase in case we need to go to the hospital, and a big plastic bin with all the supplies for the home birth. I even managed to do a bit of tidying up in our storage room and cleared out lots of toys to donate.

And then there was Christmas. This year we had a very quiet Christmas at home with Paulo's Nana. She came over for breakfast and spent the whole day at home with us (it was -30C outside all week, so the thought of going outside for walks or playing in the snow didn't even cross our minds). We spent all day opening the presents, playing with Paulo's new toys and preparing our first, very own turkey dinner, which turned out great. 

As for the presents, this year we decided that rather than getting individual gifts for each other we would get one big family present, which this year would be a tablet. For us two it would be just a toy, since we already have smartphones and a laptop. However, we thought it would be great for Paulo especially, as he could play some age appropriate games in it, watch YouTube videos, and most importantly, play with it when we travel to Mexico in March (and keep our sanity on the airplane!). It actually took us a long time to decide to go ahead and buy the tablet, as we had concerns of Paulo being too young to handle and/or play with a tablet . We certainly didn't want him to be glued to the thing all day, which happens sometimes with our cellphones. So one rule strict we did come up with was to never allow the tablet to be used during meals, and also to limit the time he spends in front of that screen. We also got some fun stocking stuffers for each other. I got some small camping gadgets for Rob from his favourite store,
Mountain Equipment Coop; he got me some treats that I love (candy, fine cheeses, magazines, etc) and we also got Paulo some books from the Mr and Miss series that he loves. Paulo got lots of presents from his Nana and grandparents in Mexico, and other members of the family. As always, it was the most fun watching him play with his new toys, the big winner being his washable Crayola felt pens.
Paulo playing with his new Crayola markers

Playing with Melissa and Doug's train sound puzzle

 It was a great, very laid back week for our family and it was just nice spending so much time together, especially with Rob, who has been working really hard in the last few months.

Paulo and Rob reading
Fortunately, he has been off work for that and this week, and although I had to be back for my last couple of days at work before I go on Maternity Leave, it has made things much easier to have him around at home to help out with making breakfast and lunches in the morning.

   I can now focus on enjoying the last few days of my working, professional life, and move on to the next chapter of my life: becoming a full-time, stay at home mom. Wish me luck!

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